Links und Tipps
- Yihui Xie wrote a great book, explaining all you need to know about bookdown. (
- Actually I edited his Minimal Book Example to create this book. See his original book here: (or download it from GitHub).
- See how the Bookdown-book works under the hood or to follow Yihui’s example:
- I agree with Sean Kross who says “getting started with bookdown is not yet a totally straightforward process”. Read his How to Start a Bookdown Book here!
- Actually he provides a minimal bookdown example as well, but for some reasons his didn’t work for me. You can download it from GitHub.
Rosanna van Hespen wrote a great and very straight forward blog on “Writing your thesis with R Markdown” (read at Rosanna’s Research) with a focus on solely creating a PDF file. Special thanks to her for eventually showing me how to use inline R code in a Markdown report. I was haunted by this idea for years and thank to her blog I came in contact with Pandoc and Co.
Into Microsoft Word?
If you move or share your own project, it migth be a good idea to delete the folder
before starting the RProject on a new machine in order to have a clean installation of the packages.- There are some cool addins for RStudio, e. g.
Just install it like any other R-package and then you can easily insert citations browsing your bib-file within Rstudio.ggThemeAssist
- Find more
To speed up knitting you should use cache. Via
you can set your preferred default chunk options. See mine in the source code ofindex.Rmd
. For all options see and for cool ideas regarding dependent caching see!Annotations: lets you easily and in collaboration with others (or several supervisors) annotate text on any website. Of course PDF annotations, (Online-)Word’s markups, an HTML comment area (e.g. Disqus) or Git issues could fit your needs as well.
Auswertungsskript ausführen
Damit alle Ergebnisse, Grafiken und Variablen vorhanden sind, müssen erst die Berechnungen in R vorgenommen werden. Theoretisch könnten alle R-Berechnungn auch in einem R-Chunk im Buch ausgeführt werden. Da das aber bei langen Skripten sehr unübersichtlich werden kann, habe ich ein klassischen R-Skript zur Auswertung erstellt, dass vor dem Kompilieren des Buches (ggf. mit Dummy-Daten) ausgeführt werden muss. Entweder per Hand oder per Source-Befehl. Die Ergebnissen können/sollten für ein schnelles Kompilieren des Buches während der Bearbeitung gecached werden.